Saturday, February 15, 2025



I had a fairly decent day in the writing office. I finished up a comic script (#3 of a 5 parter) and did some work on a short story for an upcoming anthology. Nice to sling some words even though I really didn't feel like it today.

I don't talk about it much because there's already a lot of noise about the dumpster fire that is the current state of our country and world and I don't know that my adding to it would make a difference. It weighs on me as I know it does many of you. There are many days where I don't feel like doing much of anything as a result.

I say that to say this. Being creative, writing and art, has been the thing that helps keep me sane through these tumultuous times. I love what I do, telling stories and drawing bookmarks. I appreciate all of you for being here to share these creative interests with me. Thank you. It means a lot.

Onward and upward.


Tuesday, February 11, 2025



Are you ready for #FreshSnow? Abraham Snow is missing in Hawaii. Archer Snow can't locate his grandson. He's got a bad feeling. Is trouble afoot? Find out in an all-new chapter of Snow Island, the serialized novella adventure by Bobby Nash available now. New chapters of Snow Island release weekly-ish on PATREON.

Read the opening chapter free RIGHT HERE with subsequent weekly-ish chapters for paid members. Go read the opening chapter FREE today then join us for as low as $1 a month and that includes the serialized stories. A Secret Agent X serialized novella will also begin soon. I hope you'll join us on Patreon. It helps me a lot. Thank you.

An idea about offering serialized chapters for sale piecemeal was floated. Anyone interested in just paying to read serialized novel posts? Let me know your thoughts. $1 a month would be a cheaper option.

In SNOW ISLAND, Snow heads to Hawaii with Archer in tow for a visit with Samson Brooks (former Mother agent) and his brother, Walker Brooks (former CIA), who are now working together as p.i./fugitive recovery consultants. Snow gets caught up in their latest case as another enemy searches for him. Might there be sharks involved? Maybe.

I've often said that Snow is my love letter to old p.i./detective shows of the 70's and 80's. Snow island gives us a two-fer. First, a trip to Hawaii, a staple of 70's and 80's fare. Also, this one could conceivably be considered a backdoor pilot. If the Brooks Brothers are well received, who knows, perhaps they'll get their own book. Not unusual for Bobby Nash and BEN Books. Stay tuned.

Join #TheSummerOfSnow fun today!

Learn more about SNOW here!


Sunday, February 9, 2025



I had a great time yesterday at the Middle Georgia Literary Festival in Warner Robbins, GA. It was a fun day out. I caught up with some friends, met some cool new people, sold some books and art, and got to hang out with my travel buddy and tablemate, Michael Gordon. We capped the event with a visit to the local comic shop. It was really busy so I only have the photos I took of the table before it opened. 

Big thanks to Between Friends Coffee and Between Friends Publishing for inviting me to be part of it. It was an amazing day and I hope to be back next year.


Monday, February 3, 2025



It's that time again! The latest issue of my Nash News monthly newsletter is on its way to subscribers' inboxes! Book news, cover reveals, sneak peeks at upcoming releases, appearance and interview updates, the continuing adventures of Lance Star: Sky Ranger, and so much more! Nash News is 100% FREE! Visit and sign up today. It's that easy. You also get a free copy of Snow Falls, the first book in the hit Snow series, when you sign up? As always, thank you!


Tuesday, January 28, 2025


Get ready for #FreshSnow! Abraham Snow takes in the sights and gets more than he bargained for in the process. This Hawaiian vacation is not as relaxing as he had hoped in an all-new chapter of Snow Island, the serialized novella adventure by Bobby Nash available now. New chapters of Snow Island release weekly-ish on PATREON.

Read the opening chapter free RIGHT HERE with subsequent weekly-ish chapters for paid members. Go read the opening chapter FREE today then join us for as low as $1 a month and that includes the serialized stories. A Secret Agent X serialized novella will also begin soon. I hope you'll join us on Patreon. It helps me a lot. Thank you.

An idea about offering serialized chapters for sale piecemeal was floated. Anyone interested in just paying to read serialized novel posts? Let me know your thoughts. $1 a month would be a cheaper option.

In SNOW ISLAND, Snow heads to Hawaii with Archer in tow for a visit with Samson Brooks (former Mother agent) and his brother, Walker Brooks (former CIA), who are now working together as p.i./fugitive recovery consultants. Snow gets caught up in their latest case as another enemy searches for him. Might there be sharks involved? Maybe.

I've often said that Snow is my love letter to old p.i./detective shows of the 70's and 80's. Snow island gives us a two-fer. First, a trip to Hawaii, a staple of 70's and 80's fare. Also, this one could conceivably be considered a backdoor pilot. If the Brooks Brothers are well received, who knows, perhaps they'll get their own book. Not unusual for Bobby Nash and BEN Books. Stay tuned.

Join #TheSummerOfSnow fun today!

Learn more about SNOW here!


Monday, January 27, 2025



I had a fantastic time at The ATLANTA COMIC CONVENTION yesterday with Georges Jeanty, Jason Flowers, Michael Gordon, Ben and Tracy from World of Strange, the return of James Burns, and more. Thanks to all who came out to say hello. I had a great time.


Click images for a larger view.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025



The ten year challenge returns. My con game has ramped up a bit between 2015 and 2025. The hair's changed a bit too.


Tuesday, January 21, 2025



Get ready for #FreshSnow! Abraham Snow is in Hawaii for an all-new chapter of the serialized novella adventure with Archer Snow along with Samson and Walker Brooks. New chapters of Snow Island release weekly-ish on PATREON.

Read the opening chapter free RIGHT HERE with subsequent weekly-ish chapters for paid members. Go read the opening chapter FREE today then join us for as low as $1 a month and that includes the serialized stories. A Secret Agent X serialized novella will also begin soon. I hope you'll join us on Patreon. It helps me a lot. Thank you.

An idea about offering serialized chapters for sale piecemeal was floated. Anyone interested in just paying to read serialized novel posts? Let me know your thoughts. $1 a month would be a cheaper option.

In SNOW ISLAND, Snow heads to Hawaii with Archer in tow for a visit with Samson Brooks (former Mother agent) and his brother, Walker Brooks (former CIA), who are now working together as p.i./fugitive recovery consultants. Snow gets caught up in their latest case. Might there be sharks involved? Only one way to find out.

I've often said that Snow is my love letter to old p.i./detective shows of the 70's and 80's. Snow island gives us a two-fer. First, a trip to Hawaii, a staple of 70's and 80's fare. Also, this one could conceivably be considered a backdoor pilot. If the Brooks Brothers are well received, who knows, perhaps they'll get their own book. Not unusual for Bobby Nash and BEN Books. Stay tuned.

Join #TheSummerOfSnow fun today!

Learn more about SNOW here!


Sunday, January 19, 2025



I had an amazing time yesterday at the Mini Legion Comic Convention in Acworth GA. Big shout out to Chris Hamer and the Urbnpop Comics Company for hosting. Not only did I sell some books and art, but got to hang out with friends Mike Gordon, Rebecca Perry, Darin Bush, Shanna Bosarge, Brian and Stacey from The Crazy Book Lady, and more. It was a good day. Thanks to all who came by and said hi.

Next Sunday, January 26th, I'll be at The Atlanta Comic Convention.

I hope to see you there.


Thursday, January 16, 2025



Join me Saturday, January 18th at the Mini Legion Comic Convention in Acworth GA from 11am - 4pm. Learn more about the event HERE.

This will be the first event where I'll have copies of the two new Lance Star: Sky Ranger books.

I hope to see you there! It'll be fun!


Monday, January 13, 2025


I am fortunate to work with some amazing people on the Snow books and I wanted to give readers a chance to get to know the talent behind the scenes. Elsewhere on this site are interviews with Jeffrey Hayes, Stuart Gauffi, and Michael Gordon. Please give them a read if you haven't yet.

This time around, I put myself in the hotseat. Yep. I interviewed myself. Weird, I know.

And now, meet Bobby Nash.

1. Tell us a bit about yourself and your background. How did you get into writing?

I started out wanting to draw comic books. As a kid, that was the dream. I started writing so I would have something to draw. Eventually, the writing moved to the forefront, and I seemed to have more aptitude for it than drawing sequential art. From there, I decided to try my hand at a novel. It was horrible, but I finished it and that prompted me to write another. That became Evil Ways, my first published novel. A lot of my writing output can be traced back to Evil Ways. That book did and continues to do a lot for me.

These days, I write in different mediums. I write novels, comics, short stories, media tie-ins, full-cast audio dramas, and screenplays. I’m always trying new things, and I love writing stories. It’s a great gig.

2. Who is Abraham Snow?

Abraham Snow is a former undercover agent for a shadowy government black bag organization called Mother. In the opening chapter of his first book, Snow Falls, his cover is blown, and the bad guy shoots him twice, in the chest, leaving him for dead on a South American airstrip. Obviously, he survives. It would be a short series otherwise, huh? Now retired, Snow tries to rebuild his life, build a business for himself as a private investigator and security consultant, and find the man who shot him and put an end to his criminal organization. All why trying to keep his heart problems in check.

The Snow series is my love letter to old p.i. and detective books and shows I grew up watching. Snow’s DNA includes a bit of The Rockford Files, a dash of Magnum p.i., a hint of MacGyver, and a splash of Burn Notice, among other inspirations. I am a big fan of action and adventure, or mysteries and thrillers. Snow allows me to explore those genres, often blending them together. It’s fun.

3. What draws you to the various characters in the Snow series?

I love these characters. One of the fun parts of writing is getting to know all of these characters. They reveal themselves to me in the stories. They come to like and become real to me. Not just fictional characters. Real people. Then, I put them through hell and they thrive. There have been some wonderful surprises that come to light while these stories unfold. That’s a thrill for me. Each of them could headline their own book.

4. Why should people be reading or listening to the Snow books?

If you like a good action/thriller, then Snow might just be right up your alley. I like to think of them as good, escapist fun. You can sink into a Snow adventure and forget the real world for a short time. We could all use a break like that from time to time. As for listening, you haven’t experienced the world of Snow until you’ve heard it through the velvety tones of Stuart’s audiobooks. He brings the characters alive in ways that I love.

I’ve been fortunate to be surrounded by great talent. Plasmafire Graphics’ Jeffrey Hayes does our covers. Dennis Calero did the cover for the first arc. That’s his image on the Snow bullet as well. Stuart Gauffi performs the audios beautifully. Michael Gordon and Benjamin Ash Jr. have done great work on edits. Plus, there are so many cheerleaders of the series who love these characters as much as I do.

5. Where can people learn more about you and your work?

You can learn more about Snow at

Snow is published by BEN Books. You can find them at

My website with information on all of my projects is

Please stop by and say hello.

Thank you.

Saturday, January 11, 2025



Are you ready for #FreshSnow? Abraham Snow returns in an all-new serialized novella releasing weekly-ish on PATREON.

Read the opening chapter free RIGHT HERE with subsequent weekly-ish chapters for paid members. Go read the opening chapter FREE today then join us for as low as $1 a month and that includes the serialized stories. A Secret Agent X serialized novella will also begin soon. I hope you'll join us on Patreon. It helps me a lot. Thank you.

In SNOW ISLAND, Snow heads to Hawaii with Archer in tow for a visit with Samson Brooks (former Mother agent) and his brother, Walker Brooks (former CIA), who are now working together as p.i./fugitive recovery consultants. Snow gets caught up in their latest case. Might there be sharks involved? Only one way to find out.

I've often said that Snow is my love letter to old p.i./detective shows of the 70's and 80's. Snow island gives us a two-fer. First, a trip to Hawaii, a staple of 70's and 80's fare. Also, this one could conceivably be considered a backdoor pilot. If the Brooks Brothers are well received, who knows, perhaps they'll get their own book. Not unusual for Bobby Nash and BEN Books. Stay tuned.

Join #TheSummerOfSnow fun today!

Learn more about SNOW here!


Friday, January 10, 2025



I'll be interviewed on The Authors Show with Don McCauley on January 14th. We'll talk writing, storytelling, Tom Myers Mysteries, and more.

Look for me on The Authors Show's Channel 3 at where it will be available for 24 hours only.

#authors #books #theauthorsshow


Thursday, January 9, 2025



FYI! Due to weather complications, The Atlanta Comic Convention originally scheduled for Sunday, January 12th in Atlanta, GA. has been rescheduled for Sunday, January 26th (11am - 5pm). I hope to see you there!




Snows Bobby Nash joined the discussion over at Sean Taylor's Writer Roundtables blog where he and other writers explore Series Work and Genre Hopping. You can check it out at

#writingcommunity #amwriting #writerslift #writing #writer

Friday, January 3, 2025

Newsletter: NASH NEWS FOR JANUARY 2025!


The first Nash News of the new year has launched and is on its way to subscribers' inboxes! We kick off 2025 with book news, cover reveals, sneak peeks at upcoming releases, appearance and interview updates, the continuing adventures of Lance Star: Sky Ranger, & so much more! Always remember that Nash News is 100% FREE! Visit and sign up today. It's that easy. Did I mention that you get a free copy of Snow Falls, the first book in the hit Snow series, when you sign up? It's true! 

As always, your support is appreciated.

Happy New Year!


Monday, December 30, 2024



I am fortunate to work with some amazing people on the Snow books and I wanted to give readers a chance to get to know the talent behind the scenes.

Michael Gordon is the editor of more recent books in the Snow series. In addition to editing, Mike is also a writer (Tiki ZombieWalking The Wider WebGalloping Across The Cosmos), a publisher at New Legend Productions (Dragon TalesTiki Zombie), and podcaster (Earth Station OneEarth Station WhoBat-ChumsESO's Dragon Con Report, and more).

And now, meet Michael Gordon.


1. Tell us a bit about yourself and your background. How did you get into writing and editing?

For as long as I can remember, I've always enjoyed stories and storytelling. Thanks to my parents, I began reading from an early age and it wasn't long before I started creating my own stories. English was my favorite subject in elementary and high school, and my major in college was narrative studies. Outside of school, I was writing short stories, scripts, and movie reviews. In 2007, my first book was published, "The Untold Origins of Invisible Scarlet O'Neil" by Atlantis Studios and I'm proud to have participated in many other projects since then as a writer and/or editor, including many by my own company, New Legend Productions.

2. Who is Abraham Snow?

Abraham is the main character of the Snow series by Bobby Nash and a throwback to the action-oriented private detectives such as Jim Rockford, Thomas Magnum, and David Spenser. He might not have genius-level deductive abilities, but he is a blue collar hard worker with a bit of charm and never hesitates to push himself to the limit despite having a heart condition that makes even some of the most basic tasks life threatening.

3. What draws you to the various characters in the Snow series?

Bobby Nash has surrounded Abraham with a top-notch cast of characters that not only have his back, but also keep him grounded. Whether they are actual blood relations or found family friends and colleagues, each one is strong enough in character to easily be featured in his or her own solo adventure.

4. Why should people be reading or listening to the Snow books?

Bobby Nash's Snow books are well-crafted action thrill rides featuring compelling characters and I'm very proud to contribute any way I can. If you're a fan of retro tv shows such as The Rockford Files, Magnum P.I. and Spencer for Hire or recent series like Burn Notice and Bosch, you'll find a familiar vibe with this series. So however you enjoy your books, turning pages or turning up the volume, pick up one of Abraham's adventures and let it Snow!

5. Where can people learn more about you and your work?

You can check out my various projects and links to my various social media platform accounts via

Thank you, Mike.

Friday, December 27, 2024

A look at 2024 in words and books!


I was asked elsewhere so I crunched some numbers.

In 2024, I had 22 projects released into the world. 18 in wide release. 2 on-line only (until 2025), and 2 short films. See the attached graphic. This includes comics, novels, short stories, essays, and film scripts.

In 2024, I attended 31 events. Conventions, conferences, libraries, bookstore, comic shops and festivals. I admit, this number caught me off guard. I didn't realize it had been so many.

In 2024, I wrote a little over 300,000 words of fiction. That doesn't count essays, blogs, backmatter in books, interviews, press releases, etc. There's still 5 days left in the year so, conservatively, you can probably add about 10,000 more before January 1 rolls around.

Whew. No wonder I'm tired.
And there's still a week to go.

FYI: Snow fans, Snow Island begins serializing in January. Stay tuned.

As always, I appreciate you going on this journey with me.

Happy New Year!


Tuesday, December 24, 2024



Naughty or nice?

Merry Christmas Eve, everyone!
May your evening be joyful and bright.

Peace and love.


Monday, December 23, 2024



I am fortunate to work with some amazing people on the Snow books and I wanted to give readers a chance to get to know the talent behind the scenes.

Jeffrey Hayes is the uber-talented illustrator behind Plasmafire Graphics. Not only does her provide covers for the Snow series, but also the Sheriff Tom Myers series, both for BEN Books, but he also handles cover duties for my Dante series from Valhalla Books. Jeffrey has given the Snow characters their distinctive looks and some fantastic cover art.

And now, meet Jeffrey Hayes.


1. Tell us a bit about yourself and your background. How did you get into illustration and design?

I was ten years old in 1970, so to say I grew up in the 70s would be precise. I love the long-gone print media of that era. From movie posters, comics, magazines, and TV Guide, I loved the art and illustrations and would cut out my favorite pieces and keep them in a scrapbook to reference and attempt to emulate. This was also the era when table-top gaming was growing, so I got a job with a couple of Austin, Texas game publishers doing illustrations for games and related trade magazines. I then worked for a regional grocery company doing display and sign work until I changed careers, all the while maintaining my interest in illustration. In the 2000s, I began doing promotional posters for indie filmmakers and audio-drama production groups, which ultimately led to indie publishing and book covers and the creation of Plasmafire Graphics.

2. Who is Abraham Snow?

As I said, I grew up in the 70s and watched some of the best cop shows on television. I had a steady diet of, “Adam-12,” “Rockford Files,” “Beretta,” “Hawaii 5-0,” “Starsky and Hutch” and the like, all while watching reruns of shows like “Dragnet,” “Manix,” and “F.B.I.” This didn’t stop in the 80s, when shows like, “Magnum P.I.,” “Hill Street Blues,” “T.J. Hooker,” “Miami Vice,” and more were there to absorb. With that, my answer is simple, Abraham Snow is an amalgam of the very best leading
characters of those classic police action shows I grew up watching.

3. What draws you to the various characters in the Snow series?

When I read the Snow series, I see bits and pieces of the characters from the classic TV series I love. They are written with identifiable and reliable traits and behaviors that make them as interesting and the series lead. Then somewhere along the line, something remarkable happens. The Snow characters take on a life of their own and become fully fleshed-out and unique characters I can see in my mind’s eye. The Snow universe of good guys, bad guys, and questionable characters all resonate with me which makes them easy to illustrate.

4. Why should people be reading or listening to the Snow books?

The Snow stories are fast-paced and action-packed like any great and memorable classic cop show. If you like a mystery, a few car chases and gun fights, and all the other fun associated with those 1-hour cop shows of the 70s and 80s, then you should be reading these books. Each book is like a television episode, containing all the best elements from those classic TV shows.

5. Where can people learn more about you and your work?

You can learn more about my illustration world at, or

Thanks again, Jeffrey!